New Testament

A person is standing in front of the sun.

Canonical Order of New Testament Books

John was able to get a glimpse, during the Transfiguration, as Jesus transformed into His glory and how he would one day see Him in Heaven. As Christians today, we have to behold that glimpse that John gives us and always remember that when we get a glimpse of Christ that way, we’ll never want leave that spot!

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John was able to get a glimpse, during the Transfiguration, as Jesus transformed into His glory and how he would one day see Him in Heaven. As Christians today, we have to behold that glimpse that John gives us and always remember that when we get a glimpse of Christ that way, we’ll never want leave that spot!

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Take a look with us at the problem of sin and our great need for a Savior.

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How do you filter through the crazy things of society? How do you know right from wrong in a world that doesn’t distinguish between the two? Paul is dealing with these issues within the city of Corinth where he recently planted a church. First Corinthians will explore these issues as the Apostle Paul provides us with the lens in which we are to view all reality; the Gospel.

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Second Corinthians is considered the most biographical of Paul’s epistles, offering a unique perspective on his life and ministry. This book considers the relationship between suffering and glory, and it challenges its readers to live in a new way that’s counter-cultural to society’s values for the sake of the cross and all for which it stands.

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Do you like things short and to the point? Then you’ll like the book of Galatians, it’s like a summarized book of Romans. You’ll also learn how Paul defends the Gospel of Freedom and all that Jesus accomplished so all we need to do is believe!

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Come discover the magnificence of your position in Christ and the honor we have in walking it out well throughout our lives as we study the book of Ephesians. See what Paul had to say while under house arrest in Rome to his precious church in Ephesus, and how much that letter means for us today.

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Ready for some joy? This book is Paul’s joy letter. Be sure to join us and discover how Paul shows us how our true joy comes from Christ alone.

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Throughout this letter, Paul stresses the importance of exalting Christ above all else and how believers, despite their differences, can find unity in their faith in Him. This unity in Christ transcends any divisions or disputes that might arise among believers. Paul encourages the Colossian Christians to focus on the eternal truths of the gospel, which are essential for their spiritual growth and maturity.

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First Thessalonians is an important letter addressing a church who were concerned for their loved ones who have passed away. The Apostle Paul turns their fears into faith by unpacking the truth of the glorious Day when all believers will be reunited in heaven to enjoy their God forever. 

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Paul wrote to the Thessalonians to help them grow in their faith by affirming the reality of Christ’s return. However, in just a few months, he received word that some had misunderstood his teachings about the second coming so they just stopped working. In this teaching Pastor Bill explains how Paul answered the misunderstanding concerning the timing of the events of the end times.

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Come see how this marvelous book shows us how God made all things new through Christ.

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How often do we profess to trust God, but easily counter this as we cling to the world and it’s values? With an energetic style and crisp, well-chosen words James confronts this head on. Join us as we learn how genuine faith inevitably produces good works, and how James supplies us with practical advice on living the Christian life.

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Right belief and right behavior are critical for anyone who desires to lead or serve effectively in the church. Did you know there is a blueprint that has been followed throughout the church’s history? As we journey through First Timothy we learn what God’s blueprint is for church leaders.

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If you don’t have a solid foundation when serving Christ, you might find it easy to quit when things get rough. In this series Pastor Bill teaches on Paul’s final words and thoughts to his young protege Timothy, with some invaluable insight for living Christianly.  

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Through Philemon, we learn that no matter our circumstances or position in life, a true identity is more glorious than we can imagine.

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In this series we will look at the direct relationship between love and obedience.

What do we do now that we have been saved? Here we will explore the necessity of living as Christ did before the world.

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What should we do while we wait for the Lord’s return? Let’s take a look at Peter’s admonition to us all to grow in the faith.

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In this series we will look at the direct relationship between love and obedience.

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How do we know we are truly Christian? Consider with the apostle John that it’s about walking in truth and love.

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Come and see the great vision of the end given by Jesus to the apostle whom He loved.

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A light shining through the window of a cave.