
Two women are having a conversation in the room.

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In this teaching series you will get a deep look into the Scriptures, science, cosmology and philosophy and learn how God has provided through the evidence of things not seen. Together, we’ll celebrate God’s universe as we examine His fingerprints over all creation and see how His inspired Word is a miracle in itself.

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In this teaching series you will get a deep look into the Scriptures, science, cosmology and philosophy and learn how God has provided through the evidence of things not seen. Together, we’ll celebrate God’s universe as we examine His fingerprints over all creation and see how His inspired Word is a miracle in itself.

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In this study Pastor Bill explains that all 66 books in the Bible are about Jesus Christ, and how by understanding this we are able see more clearly the inspired nature of Scripture.

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In the world today there are many world view and religions, and many people find themselves asking: How do I know what to believe? God has left us evidence to answer this question. In Session One of this series, Pastor Bill begins with examining the reliability of the New Testament and will then expand into other areas throughout this series.

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In this six week study series Pastor Bill discusses various topics, such as macroevolution, microevolution, the universe, and compares them from a worldly perspective and a biblical perspective so you can learn how science very much points to the Bible.

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Are you able to have a conversation when your faith is countered by another, such as a Jehovah’s Witness? Pastor Bill unpacks what the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ faith is based upon, and then compares it to Biblical truths.

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A close up of the dna structure of an animal